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€ 1150,00 € 900,00
The Alpha is your new advanced free ride, boosting and hang time machine. The Alpha offers huge lift with sheet in and go. This is a fast high aspect kite that flies forward in the wind window – with a wide turning arc and great pull through kite loops. The Alpha offers a huge wind range with excellent performance in high wind conditions. The bar feedback is direct and predictable with good bar pressure. Aimed at advanced twin tip free riding and big air boosting – the Alpha is not recommended for entry level riders, directional wave riding or foil boarding
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€ 840,00
The Omega is a smooth and predictable all round free ride kite. Offering gentle pull in turns and loops - the Omega has excellent hang time for lofty and floaty jumps. With a 3 strut design and 4 bridles - this kite is easy turning with a great deal of depower which provides a massive wind range.